Industrial Symposium Bayer

Back to the program 26 June 13:15 — 16:15 Conference Hall №2


Industrial Symposium of BAYER*


Subject: Osteoarthritis and osteoporosis are the two main problems


Report: Place and role of arthroscopic manipulations in the treatment of osteoarthritis, D.S. Ershov


Report: Osteoarthritis & osteoporosis: osteoporotic phenotype and osteoarthritis? E.A. Taskina


Report: Peculiarities of surgical treatment of osteoarthritis in patients with osteoporosis, A.N. Torgashin


*Free from CME (continuing medical education) scores


Technical Break



Industrial Symposium of BAYER*


Subject: Thromboprophylaxis in orthopaedic patients and what to do if thrombosis occurs


Report: Organization of thromboprophylaxis in modern hospital conditions in patients after hip and knee arthroplasty, Yu.M. Stoiko


Report: Prevention of venous thromboembolic complication (VTEC) in patients with fractures: the most common mistakes and how to avoid them, M.V. Belov


Report: What to do if thrombosis has still occurred: treatment and secondary prevention of VTEC, I.V. Schastlivtsev

*Free from CME (continuing medical education) scores


Technical Break