Degenerative conditions and replacement arthroplasty of major joints

Back to the program 25 June 11:30 — 12:30 Conference Hall №2
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Moderators: V.Yu. Murylev, T.B. Minasov


Knee osteotomy, unicondylar prosthesis - from exclusion intervention to a routine practice

G.V. Korobushkin


Results of high tibial osteotomy in medial gonarthritis in terms of articular cartilage regeneration

A.P. Prizov, 

A.A. Nikitin,

N.V. Zagorodny, 

F.L. Lazko, 

M.F. Lazko, 

E.A. Belyak


Secondary deformations of the proximal femur in children with various disorders. Modern correction technologies

V. V. Kozhevnikov,

E.V. Voronchikhin,

A.P. Honichev,

D.Yu. Kharamonenko


Characteristics of diagnosis and management of patients with aseptic necrosis of femoral and tibial condyles

A.N. Torgashin


Technical Break